Arithmetic Example for WASM Using Ohm-JS and Glue


In this essay, I discuss how to build a WASM transpiler that converts simple notation1 for arithmetic into WASM code, and runs the result.

The transpiler technology is meant to be simple and is meant to make you yawn.

“It may, at first, seem surprising that we can create WASM code by just using JS back-tick syntax.”

Code - Grammar and Rewrite Specifications

The full Grammar and the Rewrite specifications (glue code) can be found in the Appendices.

A full specification for a transpiler consists of

  • a grammar (in Ohm-JS style)
  • a rewrite specification (in glue style).

More details can be found in the Appendices.

The following discussion is meant to be a gentle introduction to this transpiler technology. (Yawn).

Grammar Rules

Let’s look at the AddExpr rule..

    = AddExp "+" MulExp  -- plus
    | AddExp "-" MulExp  -- minus
    | MulExp

AddExp says:

  • Try to match an AddExp followed by a + followed by a MulExp.
  • If that fails, try AddExp followed by - followed by a MulExp.
  • If that fails, try a MulExp.


This demonstrates the main difference between PEG grammars and REGEXs.

PEG (and other parser-generators) allow the programmer to write subroutines that contains sub-matches. The subroutines can be called as often as needed and, they can be called recursively.

For example, looking only at the AddExp rule, we don’t need to know what the sub-rule MulExp is. We just use MulExp. At the AddExp layer, the sub-rule MulExp is matched as a single item. The single match maps directly to a single parameter in the follow-on, semantics, code.

Technically, the difference is that PEG (and all parsers, in general) uses a stack, whereas REGEX does not employ a stack (jargon: parsers use PDFAs vs. DFAs, resp. The issue is whether the Stack is exposed to the programmer, not whether the technologies use stacks in their implementations).

The specification for a PEG parser usually needs more than one line of code, but most of the code is understandable vs. being a single string of hieroglyphics.

Left Recursion

The AddExp example also shows that left recursion is supported by Ohm-JS.

[This is a technical point that improves readability. If you can read and understand the above grammar, then you don’t need to go down the rabbit hole of understanding what ‘left recursion` is all about.]

Rule Splitting

The AddExp rule is transpiled, by Ohm-JS into three rules:

  • AddExp_plus
  • AddExp_minus
  • AddExp

The programmer is responsible for creating the splits2.

The first two lines of the rule

    = AddExp "+" MulExp  -- plus
    | AddExp "-" MulExp  -- minus

match 3 items each

  1. an AddExp
  2. a “+” or “-“
  3. a MulExp

while the last line matches only 1 item

    | MulExp
  1. a MulExp

The symbols following the -- in the first two lines become suffixes to the rule name, e.g. AddExp_plus and AddExp_minus.

A PEG grammar can match different numbers of items. The grammar, though, calls follow-on code (called the semantics) as functions for every rule and passes the matched items in as parameters.

Ohm-JS checks that the generated semantics functions have consistent parameter lists, so the AddExp rule needs to be broken (by the programmer) into separate rules, using -- name-mangling.

[Other PEG libraries use a different strategy - e.g. the programmer must embed sub-rule names into the grammar, which allows the generator to create single functions for each rule that use programmer-supplied parameter names. The Ohm-JS strategy puts more onus on the code generator, but keeps the grammar intact and readable. I prefer the Ohm-JS strategy, as it leads to better separation between grammar and semantics.]

Reading the Grammar

To read - and understand - the grammar, start at the top-most rule, call Top (in this case).

It says:

  1. At the top level, match an Expression (Exp).
  2. To match an Expression, match an AddExp.
  3. To match an AddExp
    • try to match an AddExp_plus,
    • then try to match AddExp_minus,
    • then try to match MulExp.

In PEG, matching order matters3.

The MulExp rule is similar to the AddExp rule.

The PriExp rule matches for a “primary”.

First, PriExp tries to match a parenthesized expression. If an open parenthesis is found, then we start at the top again and try to match an Exp.

The idea of writing a grammar is to specify the pattern-matching in layers. The layers can recur (loop back to the top) as needed. In this case, we loop back to the top if we begin to see a parenthesized expression. Note that a parenthesized expression can contain another parenthesized expression - the grammar will handle it recursively (to the limits of our computer’s memory).

This example grammar will “bookmark” a sub-match and re-start at the top4 when it hits PriExp_paren.

PEG does its matching with bookmarks and backtracking. If one path through the grammar fails, it will try another one. If all paths fail, the transpiler throws up its hands and declares a non-match (aka “syntax error”).

Rule Descriptions

In ident (an identifier) and number (a number), we see another feature of Ohm-JS - the ability to tag a rule with an informative string (in parentheses) that is included in the error message, when the match fails.

+ * and ?

The rules ident and number also contain * and + operators. These work similarly to REGEX.

See the Appendix for Ohm-JS documentation.

Semantics (Glue)

Ohm-JS expects programmers to write follow-on code in JavaScript.

We can use Ohm-JS to write a simple tool that writes JavaScript for us. I call this tool glue.

In the example below, we use the grammar to generate a JS app (a pattern-matcher) that accepts pseudo-code and produces WASM code.

Glue doesn’t do very much - it parses input code and then creates output code.

For parsing, glue uses Ohm-JS. For outputting, glue uses JavaScript back-tick syntax5.

It may, at first, seem surprising that we can create WASM code by just using JS back-tick syntax.

The trick is to do things in a very repeatable (aka boring) manner. (Yawn).

Ohm-JS plays into this trick, easily. (Glue could do more, and might do more in the future, but this quick-and-dirty trick is enough to generate WASM. Why add complexity when simplicity will suffice?).

Let’s begin by looking at the code associated with the AddExp grammar rule, above.

  Exp [e] = [[${e}]]

This is the simplest form of glue rule.

It consists of

  • a name, Exp
  • a list of parameters, [e]
  • a separator =
  • a rewrite rule, [[${e}]].

The glue rule name must correspond - exactly - to the name of a grammar rule. There needs to be exactly one glue rule for each grammar rule.

The parameters consist of programmer-chosen names, separated by spaces and enclosed in a pair of brackets.

There must be one parameter for each sub-match in a rule.

The names are Javascript compatible and are resolved and used in the rewrite portion.

A parameter name can be prefixed by the @ operator (not present in the Exp rule), to mean that the parameter lines up with a tree of sub-matches, i.e. generated by a grammar sub-match that has *, + or ? suffixes.

Parameter names are used in the rewrite portion without the @ prefix. [The @ is a signal to glue to unpack the tree sub-match in a recursive manner - see Ohm-JS documentation for details on how to do this manually (or look at the code generated by glue to see how I do it.]

The rewrite is a literal string contained in double-brackets, [[ ... ]]. The literal string is a JavaScript back-tick string. In this kind of string, ${...} is used to refer to parameters. [Aside - glue simply wraps the string in back-ticks and generates a JavaScript string. Yawn. Leading spaces are skipped.]

In summary,

  Exp [e] = [[${e}]]


  • line up with the grammar rule Exp
  • supply the grammar sub-match in the named parameter e
  • rewrite the sub-match as the JavaScript string `${e}`
  • return the JavaScript string from the rule (to the calling layer).

The ident rule uses an @ parameter.

ident [l @a] = [[local.get \$${l}${a}]]

This rule matches up with the ident rule in the grammar:

ident  (an identifier)
    = letter alnum*

where alnum* uses the * operator.

In the glue rule

  • we use the named parameter l to hold from the sub-match letter
  • and we use the named parameter alnum to hold the tree from the sub-match alnum*.

[Note that the grammar rule also contains a rule description (an identifier) which is ignored in the glue rule.]

The glue rewrite is [[local.get \$${l}${a}]] which returns the JavaScript string `local.get \$${l}${a}`. This rewrite creates a string that contains the literal characters local.get $ followed by the values of the parameters l and a.

Glue unpacks the sub-matches from the grammar, resulting in the l being bound to the sub-match from letter and a being bound to the sub-match from alnum*. The sub-match from alnum* is treated specially by glue6.

The Top rule uses glues preamble feature.

The RHS (right-hand side) of the glue rule contains an arbitrary block of Javascript code contained in double-braces ` `. The preamble is executed before any of the parameters are unpacked7.

In the end, glue generates a Javascript program. The Javascript program is a transpiler - a parser and a code-generator. The program is run using node with input from a file-to-be-parsed. Note that Ohm-JS is meant to be used in HTML. See the Ohm-JS documentation. I happen to use node.js.

The grasem tool joins the Ohm-JS grammar with a corresponding glue specification and produces one Javascript parser program from the pair.


In the set of arithmetic examples, we produce code for 4 languages using one Ohm-JS grammar.

At present, we simply clone the grasem template 4 times.

Ohm allows multiple follow-on (semantics) functions for one grammar, but glue does not use this feature, at the moment. A simple project would be to extend glue to allow multiple rewrites for any one grammar (collapsing the arithmetic examples from 4 files into 1 file). The project would be written in glue and shell scripts (/bin/*sh). Another approach would be to use the m4 macro processor to provide include operations. In fact, this can be done immediately, without writing any new code. [M4 makes the above project moot. Instead of extending glue, just use M4 or cat, yawn].

Design of the Grammar+Rewrites

The Ohm-JS grammar for the simple arithmetic language simply creates a CST (concrete syntax tree of the actual input, similar to an AST) and then walks the tree using the specified rewrite strings.

The topmost rule Top outputs the resulting string wrapped in appropriate WAT details. [WAT is the human-readable, text, version of a WASM file. See wasmrun.bash for how to convert a WAT file into a WASM file.]

The bottom-most rules - ident, number_fract and number_whole create WASM code to push the operand onto the WASM stack (f64.const to push a double-float constant onto the WASM stack and local.get to push a named WASM parameter onto the WASM stack.).

The rest of the layers - glue rules - simply rearrange the WASM operands and WASM operators.

For example, the rule AddExp_plus is:

  AddExp_plus [e1 op e2] = [[${e1}\n${e2}\nf64.add\n]]

This rule takes 3 operands - two expressions and one operator. The rewrite rearranges the operands in RPN8 order and suffixes the string with f64.add (and appropriate newlines \n).

The ident Rule

The ident rule is implemented only in the WASM transpiler. The other tranpsilers - pymath, jsmath and lispmath - do not deal with this rule.


Exponentiation - the ExpExp_power rule - is not, presently implemented in the WASM transpiler. Finishing this rule consists of looking up the exponentiation operator in the WASM instruction manual and writing the rewrite rule. This is left as an exercise for the reader.

Foreign Functions

As can be seen in wasmrun.bash, we expect a file foreign.js to exist. It is meant to contain support functions needed for a specific transpiler.

In this simple example, there are no support functions, so the file is empty.

Scope Variables

Glue also supports the creation and querying of variables tied to the CST tree-walk. See the Glue Manual.

This simple example does not use scope variables.

Appendix - Arithmetic Grammar

The grammar for arithmetic is lifted, literally, from Ohm Arithmetic Example

Arithmetic {
  /* WASM code emitter */
  Top = Exp
    = AddExp

    = AddExp "+" MulExp  -- plus
    | AddExp "-" MulExp  -- minus
    | MulExp

    = MulExp "*" ExpExp  -- times
    | MulExp "/" ExpExp  -- divide
    | ExpExp

    = PriExp "^" ExpExp  -- power
    | PriExp

    = "(" Exp ")"  -- paren
    | "+" PriExp   -- pos
    | "-" PriExp   -- neg
    | ident
    | number

  ident  (an identifier)
    = letter alnum*

  number  (a number)
    = digit* "." digit+  -- fract
    | digit+             -- whole

Appendix - Glue Specification for WASM Arithmetic

  Top [e] =

  (export "custom" (func $custom))
  Exp [e] = [[${e}]]
  AddExp_plus [e1 op e2] = [[${e1}\n${e2}\nf64.add\n]]
  AddExp_minus [e1 op e2] = [[${e1}\n${e2}\nf64.sub\n]]
  AddExp [e] = [[${e}]]
  MulExp_times [e1 op e2] = [[${e1}\n${e2}\nf64.mul\n]]
  MulExp_divide [e1 op e2] = [[${e1}\n${e2}\nf64.div\n]]
  MulExp [e] = [[${e}]]
  ExpExp_power[p op e] = [[(???exp ${p} ${e})]]
  ExpExp [p] = [[${p}]]
  PriExp_paren [lp p rp] = [[${p}]]
  PriExp_pos [sign p] = [[${p}]]
  PriExp_neg [sign p] = [[${p}\nf64.neg]]
  PriExp [p] = [[${p}]]
  ident [l @a] = [[local.get \$${l}${a}]]
  number_fract [@numerator dot @denominator] = [[f64.const ${numerator}.${denominator}]]
  number_whole [@n] = [[f64.const ${n}]]

Appendix - Generated JavaScript Transpiler from Arithmetic to WASM

[warts and all…]

// npm install ohm-js
'use strict';

const grammar =
Arithmetic {
  /* WASM code emitter */
  Top = Exp
    = AddExp

    = AddExp "+" MulExp  -- plus
    | AddExp "-" MulExp  -- minus
    | MulExp

    = MulExp "*" ExpExp  -- times
    | MulExp "/" ExpExp  -- divide
    | ExpExp

    = PriExp "^" ExpExp  -- power
    | PriExp

    = "(" Exp ")"  -- paren
    | "+" PriExp   -- pos
    | "-" PriExp   -- neg
    | ident
    | number

  ident  (an identifier)
    = letter alnum*

  number  (a number)
    = digit* "." digit+  -- fract
    | digit+             -- whole



function ohm_parse (grammar, text) {
    var ohm = require ('ohm-js');
    var parser = ohm.grammar (grammar);
    var cst = parser.match (text);
    if (cst.succeeded ()) {
	return { succeeded: true, message: "OK", parser: parser, cst: cst };
    } else {
	//console.log (parser.trace (text).toString ());
	//throw "glue: Ohm matching failed";
        return { succeeded: false, message: cst.message, parser: parser, cst: cst };

function getNamedFile (fname) {
    var fs = require ('fs');
    if (fname === undefined || fname === null || fname === "-") {
	return fs.readFileSync (0, 'utf-8');
    } else {
	return fs.readFileSync (fname, 'utf-8');
'use strict'

var _scope;

function scopeStack () {
    this._stack = [];
    this.pushNew = function () {this._stack.push ([])};
    this.pop = function () {this._stack.pop ()};
    this._topIndex = function () {return this._stack.length - 1;};
    this._top = function () { return this._stack[this._topIndex ()]; };
    this.scopeAdd = function (key, val) {
	this._top ().push ({key: key, val: val});
    this._lookup = function (key, a) { 
	return a.find (obj => {return obj && obj.key && (obj.key == key)}); };
    this.scopeGet = function (key) {
	var i = this._topIndex ();
	for (; i >= 0 ; i -= 1) {
	    var obj = this._lookup (key, this._stack [i]);
	    if (obj) {
		return obj.val;
        console.log ('*** scopeGet error key=' + key + ' ***');
	console.log (this._stack);
	console.log (key);
	throw "scopeGet internal error";
    this.scopeModify = function (key, val) {
	var i = this._topIndex ();
	for (; i >= 0 ; i -= 1) {
	    var obj = this._lookup (key, this._stack [i]);
	    if (obj) {
		obj.val = val;
		return val;
        console.log ('*** scopeModify error key=' + key + ' ***');
	console.log (this._stack);
	console.log (key);
	throw "scopeModify internal error";

function scopeAdd (key, val) {
    return _scope.scopeAdd (key, val);

function scopeModify (key, val) {
    return _scope.scopeModify (key, val);

function scopeGet (key, val) {
    return _scope.scopeGet (key, val);

function _ruleInit () {
    _scope = new scopeStack ();

function _ruleEnter (ruleName) {
    _scope.pushNew ();

function _ruleExit (ruleName) {
    _scope.pop ();

_ruleInit ();
function addSemantics (sem) {
    sem.addOperation (
	    Top : function (_e,) {
		_ruleEnter ("Top");
		console.log ("(module"));
		console.log ( " (func $custom (param $x f64) (param $y f64) (result f64)" );

		var e = _e._glue ();
		var _result = `${e})
  (export "custom" (func $custom))
		_ruleExit ("Top");
		return _result;
	    Exp : function (_e,) {
		_ruleEnter ("Exp");

		var e = _e._glue ();
		var _result = `${e}`;
		_ruleExit ("Exp");
		return _result;
	    AddExp_plus : function (_e1,_op,_e2,) {
		_ruleEnter ("AddExp_plus");

		var e1 = _e1._glue ();var op = _op._glue ();var e2 = _e2._glue ();
		var _result = `${e1}\n${e2}\nf64.add\n`;
		_ruleExit ("AddExp_plus");
		return _result;
	    AddExp_minus : function (_e1,_op,_e2,) {
		_ruleEnter ("AddExp_minus");

		var e1 = _e1._glue ();var op = _op._glue ();var e2 = _e2._glue ();
		var _result = `${e1}\n${e2}\nf64.sub\n`;
		_ruleExit ("AddExp_minus");
		return _result;
	    AddExp : function (_e,) {
		_ruleEnter ("AddExp");

		var e = _e._glue ();
		var _result = `${e}`;
		_ruleExit ("AddExp");
		return _result;
	    MulExp_times : function (_e1,_op,_e2,) {
		_ruleEnter ("MulExp_times");

		var e1 = _e1._glue ();var op = _op._glue ();var e2 = _e2._glue ();
		var _result = `${e1}\n${e2}\nf64.mul\n`;
		_ruleExit ("MulExp_times");
		return _result;
	    MulExp_divide : function (_e1,_op,_e2,) {
		_ruleEnter ("MulExp_divide");

		var e1 = _e1._glue ();var op = _op._glue ();var e2 = _e2._glue ();
		var _result = `${e1}\n${e2}\nf64.div\n`;
		_ruleExit ("MulExp_divide");
		return _result;
	    MulExp : function (_e,) {
		_ruleEnter ("MulExp");

		var e = _e._glue ();
		var _result = `${e}`;
		_ruleExit ("MulExp");
		return _result;
	    ExpExp_power : function (_p,_op,_e,) {
		_ruleEnter ("ExpExp_power");

		var p = _p._glue ();var op = _op._glue ();var e = _e._glue ();
		var _result = `(???exp ${p} ${e})`;
		_ruleExit ("ExpExp_power");
		return _result;
	    ExpExp : function (_p,) {
		_ruleEnter ("ExpExp");

		var p = _p._glue ();
		var _result = `${p}`;
		_ruleExit ("ExpExp");
		return _result;
	    PriExp_paren : function (_lp,_p,_rp,) {
		_ruleEnter ("PriExp_paren");

		var lp = _lp._glue ();var p = _p._glue ();var rp = _rp._glue ();
		var _result = `${p}`;
		_ruleExit ("PriExp_paren");
		return _result;
	    PriExp_pos : function (_sign,_p,) {
		_ruleEnter ("PriExp_pos");

		var sign = _sign._glue ();var p = _p._glue ();
		var _result = `${p}`;
		_ruleExit ("PriExp_pos");
		return _result;
	    PriExp_neg : function (_sign,_p,) {
		_ruleEnter ("PriExp_neg");

		var sign = _sign._glue ();var p = _p._glue ();
		var _result = `${p}\nf64.neg`;
		_ruleExit ("PriExp_neg");
		return _result;
	    PriExp : function (_p,) {
		_ruleEnter ("PriExp");

		var p = _p._glue ();
		var _result = `${p}`;
		_ruleExit ("PriExp");
		return _result;
	    ident : function (_l,_a
			      ,) {
		_ruleEnter ("ident");

		var l = _l._glue ();var a = _a._glue ().join ('');
		var _result = `local.get \$${l}${a}`;
		_ruleExit ("ident");
		return _result;
	    number_fract : function (_numerator
				     ,) {
		_ruleEnter ("number_fract");

		var numerator = _numerator._glue ().join ('');var dot = _dot._glue ();var denominator = _denominator._glue ().join ('');
		var _result = `f64.const ${numerator}.${denominator}`;
		_ruleExit ("number_fract");
		return _result;
	    number_whole : function (_n
				     ,) {
		_ruleEnter ("number_whole");

		var n = _n._glue ().join ('');
		var _result = `f64.const ${n}`;
		_ruleExit ("number_whole");
		return _result;

	    _terminal: function () {return this.primitiveValue; }

function main () {
    // usage: node glue <file
    // grammar is inserted from grasem.ohm
    // test.grasem is read from stdin
    var text = getNamedFile ("-");
    var { succeeded, message, parser, cst } = ohm_parse (grammar, text);
    var sem = {};
    var outputString = "";
    if (cst.succeeded ()) {
	sem = parser.createSemantics ();
	addSemantics (sem);
	outputString = sem (cst)._glue ();
	return { succeeded: true, message: "OK", cst: cst, semantics: sem, resultString: outputString };
    } else {
	return { succeeded: false, message: message, cst: cst, semantics: sem, resultString: outputString };

var { succeeded, message, cst, semantics, resultString } = main ();
if (succeeded) {
    console.log (resultString);
} else {
    process.stderr.write (`${message}\n`);
    return false;

Appendix - Bash File to Run the WASM Transpiler (wasmrun.bash)

set -e

../grasem/run.bash wasmmath.grasem >_.js

cat foreign.js _.js >_wasmmath.js
node _wasmmath.js < ex1.math >_temp.wat
${WTOOLSDIR}/wat2wasm _temp.wat -o _temp.wasm
node wasm.js

node _wasmmath.js < ex2.math >_temp.wat
${WTOOLSDIR}/wat2wasm _temp.wat -o _temp.wasm
node wasm.js

node _wasmmath.js < ex4.math >_temp.wat
${WTOOLSDIR}/wat2wasm _temp.wat -o _temp.wasm
node wasm.js

node _wasmmath.js < ex5.math >_temp.wat
${WTOOLSDIR}/wat2wasm _temp.wat -o _temp.wasm
node wasm.js

node _wasmmath.js < ex6.math >_temp.wat
${WTOOLSDIR}/wat2wasm _temp.wat -o _temp.wasm
node wasm.js

Appendix - Wasm.js Support code

var fs = require ('fs');

async function getws () {
    var w;
    try {
	w = fs.readFileSync('_temp.wasm');
    } catch (e) {
	console.log ("error: " + e);
    return await WebAssembly.instantiate(w)

var w = getws ();
w.then (function (value) {
    console.log (value.instance.exports.custom (3,5));

(Note that the parameters (3,5) are chosen arbitrarily. See what happens when you change them.)

Appendix - Glue Manual

Glue Manual

Appendix - Grasem Manual

Grasem Manual

Appendix - Ohm-JS


Appendix - Ohm In Small Steps

Ohm In Small Steps

This essay - Ohm In Small Steps - also, includes a Scheme-to-JS transpiler that creates a simple PROLOG library in JS, used as a running example.

Appendix - More About PEG

My essays are not restricted to PEG.

If you want only PEG-related opinions, look at the Table of Contents and look for the PEG sections, and, for the Ohm sections.

Appendix - Github


N.B. This essay deals with only wasmmath.grasem, but the codebase includes transpilers for Python, JS and Lisp.

  1. I use the word notation to mean a light-weight programming language (lighter weight than even a DSL). 

  2. If you don’t like this, just write a preprocessor (hint: use PEG). 

  3. The programmer is responsible to order rules in the correct sequence (usually longest to shortest). Other parser technologies, e.g. parsers based on CFG theory, don’t need programmer-specified rule ordering, but, those technologies put limits on what can be matched. PEG usually wins (from the perspective of practicality). PEG can match patterns that CFG parsers (like YACC) can’t match. [The “classic” example is that PEG can match balanced parentheses, whereas CFGs can’t. The real test is whether PEG grammars can be easily written for everyday cases. I believe that PEG is readable, that programmer-supplied rule-ordering is easy to specify, and, is “natural” for programmers to write. IMO, PEG is the next REGEX. Ohm-JS is the best PEG variant I’ve used.]. 

  4. Actually, it restarts at Exp which is almost-the-top. 

  5. Back-tick strings are called template strings in JS and EcmaScript. 

  6. glue returns all of the match as a single string joined together (by Javascript’s .join(‘’) operation)). 

  7. This can require knowledge of the simple name-mangling rules of glue. The best way to understand the name-mangling operations is to examine the code generated by glue. Same as before: if you don’t like this, feel free to write a PEG-based preprocessor (chain preprocessors in a pipeline, the more the merrier). I believe in YAGNI - this set of rules and quirks is enough to get my job done. N.B. you don’t need to understand name-mangling to use scope variables (see below). 

  8. RPN means Reverse Polish Notation