Software Components 101 - Part 13 Identity Grammar Before Creating a Factbase
We create a factbase from the nested documents created in previous essays.
Identity Grammar
topLevel = ws+ tBEGIN rect tEND
nestedAttributesOrObjects = tBEGIN attributeOrObject+ tEND
attributeOrObject = attribute | object
object = rect | ellipse | circle | arrow
rect = tRECT synonym nestedAttributesOrObjects? ws*
circle = tCIRCLE synonym nestedAttributesOrObjects? ws*
ellipse = tELLIPSE synonym nestedAttributesOrObjects? ws*
arrow = tARROW sender receiver ws*
attribute = shapeAttribute | colorAttribute | strokeWidthAttribute
shapeAttribute = "shape" ws* "rounded" ws*
colorAttribute = "color" ws* color ws*
strokeWidthAttribute = "stroke-width" ws* number ws*
sender = qualident ws*
receiver = qualident ws*
synonym = qualident ws*
/* mid-level */
tRECT = "rect" ws*
tCIRCLE = "circle" ws*
tELLIPSE = "ellipse" ws*
tARROW = "arrow" ws*
tBEGIN = "{" ws*
tEND = "}" ws*
/* low-level */
color = rgba | "green" | "yellow" | "red"
keyword = color
flat_ident = ~keyword flat_ident_char+
flat_ident_char = "a" .. "z"
qualident = qualident_recursive | flat_ident
qualident_recursive = flat_ident "/" qualident
number = dig+
dig = "0" .. "9"
rgba = hex hex hex hex
hex = hd hd
hd = dig | "A" .. "F"
ws = " " | "\t" | newline
newline = "\n"
topLevel [@ws begin rect end] = [[${ws}${begin}${rect}${end}]]
nestedAttributesOrObjects [begin @aorobj end] = [[${begin}${aorobj}${end}]]
attributeOrObject [aorobj] = [[${aorobj}]]
object [obj] = [[${obj}]]
rect [rect syn @nested @ws] = [[${rect}${syn}${nested}${ws}]]
circle [circle syn @nested @ws] = [[${circle}${syn}${nested}${ws}]]
ellipse [ellipse syn @nested @ws] = [[${ellipse}${syn}${nested}${ws}]]
arrow [arrow sender receiver @ws] = [[${arrow}${sender}${receiver}${ws}]]
attribute [attr] = [[${attr}]]
shapeAttribute [shape @ws1 rounded @ws2] = [[${shape}${ws1}${rounded}${ws2}]]
colorAttribute [k @ws1 color @ws2] = [[${k}${ws1}${color}${ws2}]]
strokeWidthAttribute [sw @ws1 n @ws2] = [[${sw}${ws1}${n}${ws2}]]
sender [ident @ws] = [[${ident}${ws}]]
receiver [ident @ws] = [[${ident}${ws}]]
synonym [ident @ws] = [[${ident}${ws}]]
tRECT [t @ws] = [[${t}${ws}]]
tCIRCLE [t @ws] = [[${t}${ws}]]
tELLIPSE [t @ws] = [[${t}${ws}]]
tARROW [t @ws] = [[${t}${ws}]]
tBEGIN [t @ws] = [[${t}${ws}]]
tEND [t @ws] = [[${t}${ws}]]
color [cl] = [[${cl}]]
keyword [kw] = [[${kw}]]
flat_ident [@cs] = [[${cs}]]
flat_ident_char [c] = [[${c}]]
qualident [ident] = [[${ident}]]
qualident_recursive [flatident slash recursiveident] = [[${flatident}${slash}${recursiveident}]]
number [num] = [[${num}]]
dig [digit] = [[${digit}]]
rgba [h1 h2 h3 h4] = [[${h1}${h2}${h3}${h4}]]
hex [h1 h2] = [[${h1}${h2}]]
hd [c] = [[${c}]]
ws [c] = [[${c}]]
newline [c] = [[${c}]]
The identity grammar should produce output that is the same as the input.
Check that v.fb
is the same as v.brace
Eye-ball or use diff
Look for low-hanging fruit.
[We can always come back and fix errors, so this doesn’t need to be perfect. The only test will be if the app is good enough for its purposes. Everything is a fractal, everything is relative, nothing is absolute. Absolute perfection is not possible. Trying to attain absolute perfection will retard higher-level learning and progress. Waterfall design is the process of closing doors behind you, whereas FDD[^fdd] leaves doors open on the assumption that iteration will be needed (design iteration as well as code iteration)].
[^fdd] FDD means Failure Driven Design.