Diagram Notation
This note contains the conventions I use when creating Software Components with Draw.io.
- rectangle that does not include other objects
- rectangle that can include color, text, strokeWidth
- or, circle
external port
internal port
input port
output port
color=yellow or color=red
explicit port
implicit port
- rectangle that includes ports, arrows, attributes
- or, ellipse
link component
component that only contains attributes, text, ports
foreign or link?
link components are components that are not implemented on the given diagram
link components can be
- implemented by other diagrams, or,
- directly implemented in the base language
Link components used to be called Leaf components.
Link is a general concept - we cannot know how the component will be implemented.
All links must be resolved before running a Component hierarchy.
Links can be resolved incrementally. For example, Component A can be joined to Component B, which results in hierarchical system C that might contain unresolved links.
composite component
component that contains other objects