Mathematics vs. Physical Reality
Mathematics uses a simple notation.
Mathematics notation allows algebraic substition of notation.
To perform substitution, there can be no “side effects”
Physical reality is 4D - x, y, z, time.
Mathematical notation is 2D - x, y.
Mathematics Ignores Time
Mathematics ignores time.
This reduces the number of dimensions to 3: x, y, z.
Mathematics Projection from 3D to 2D
Mathematics Doesn’t Lose Information
It simply re-casts the Z-dimension into extra functions.
E.g. A port is
{shape, direction, location}
This is flattened to {maybePort() x {direction, location}}.
Diagrams on Tabs
Imagine a set of diagrams in a tabbed diagram editor.
Tabs go left-to-right (or right-to-left). X,Y
Tabs do not go “in” and “out”. Z
Slideshow can show development of the diagram over time. T
A Diagram is 2D.
A Diagram With Hyperlinks is 3D
A Slideshow Of A Diagrams With Hyperlinks == (3+1)D
A Slideshow of Diagrams With Hyperlinks is 4D
- One diagram = X,Y = 2D
- Hyperlinks = Z
- Slideshow = T
- X,Y,Z,T = 4D