• values
    • object
    • collection of object
  • components
    • parameter delivery (inputs)
    • invocation (N.B. separate from input/output delivery)
    • result delivery (outputs)
    • run forever by default
  • message passing
  • RID - relative ID’s (hierarchical organization of components and hierarchical message passing)
  • Sections
    • type description
    • signatures
    • implementation
    • foreign functions
    • design rules
  • Dispatcher


DI means Design Intent (often called Architecture)


SCN means Solution Centric Notation.

A notation is like a light-weight DSL.

A DSL is like a GPL, but specialized.

A DSL is targetted at a specific sub-problem, but generalized. For example REGEXP is a DSL for pattern-matching strings. For example SQL is a DSL for database querying.

A notation is specialized to a specific problem / project. A notation is not generalized. More than one SCN might be used in a project. For example, the Arrowgrams project contains an SCN for PROLOG-like fact (triple) matching, another SCN for parsing, another SCN for scanning (lexing), another SCN for inter-component message passing cl-event-passing, another SCN for type definition, etc, etc.1

[DSL means Domain Specific Language, GPL means General purpose Programming Language].


I’m working on this at the moment, it is unfinished and not debugged, but gives some of the flavor of what a DSL for DI might be:

# types
  rid = {

  thing = compound { val component }

  val = any

  component = :foreign
  parent-component = component
  child = component

  any = :foreign

  string = :foreign
  path = :foreign
  ns = :foreign
  name = :foreign

  yesno = 'yes' | 'no'
# end types

# signatures

// RID means Relative ID
def-component% <rid
def-input% <rid
def-output% <rid
get% <rid >val
set% <rid <val

# layer effective address
// ea means Effective Address - the resolved path part of a RID
ea% <path >component
def-ea% <path >component
# end layer effective address

# end signatures

# foreign functions
// foreign functions are defined elsewhere (in the base language)
// synchronous and always return a value
is leaf <rid >yesno
lookup component at top level <path <ns <name >component
lookup contained component <path <ns <name >component
lookup or create component at top level <path <ns <name >component
lookup or create contained component <path <ns <name >component
create input pin raw <path <ns <name
create output pin raw <path <ns <name
raw get <parent <rid.ns <rid.name
raw set <parent <rid.ns <rid.name <v
# end foreign functions

# implementation

def-top-level-component% <name
  component = @lookup or create component at top level <name

def-contained-component% <rid
  outer = def-ea% <rid.path
    design rule `must use component namespace' <rid
  component = @lookup or create contained component <path.path <path.ns <path.name

def-input% <rid
  outer = ea% <rid.path
    design rule `must use input namespace' <rid
    design rule `input pin must not be defined more than once` <outer <rid.ns <rid.name
  @create-input-pin-raw <outer <rid.ns <rid.name

def-output% <rid
  outer = ea% <rid.path
    design rule `must use output namespace' <path
    design rule `output pin must not be defined more than once` <outer <rid.ns <rid.name
  @create-output-pin-raw <out <rid.ns <rid.name

get% <rid >val
  parent = ea% <rid.path
    design rule `must be a valid namespace' <rid
    design rule `value must exist' <parent <rid.ns <rid.name
  v = @raw-get <parent <rid.ns <rid.name
set% <rid <val
  parent = ea% <rid.path
    design rule `must be a valid namespace' <rid
    design rule `value must not exist' <parent <rid.ns <rid.name
  @raw-set <parent <rid.ns <rid.name <v

add-connection% <rid <rid1 <rid1
  parent = ea% <rid.path
    design rule `must use connection namespace' <rid
    design rule `must use i/o namespace' <rid1
    design rule `must use i/o namespace' <rid2
  @raw-add-connection <rid.name <parent <rid1 <rid2

# layer `effective address'
ea% <path >component
    design rule `must use component namespace' <path.ns
  [ @is leaf <path
    yes -> component = @lookup component at top level <path
    no  ->
      outer = ea% <path.path
        design rule `must be a component' <outer
        design rule `value must exist' <outer <path.ns <path.name
      component = @lookup contained component <outer <path.ns <path.name

def-ea% <path >component
  [ @is leaf <path.path
    yes -> component = @lookup or create component at top level <path.path <path.ns <path.name
    no  ->
      outer = ea% <path.path
      component = @lookup or create contained component <outer <path.ns <path.name
# end layer `effective address'

# end implementation

# design rules
`must use component namespace' <rid
`must use input namespace' <rid
`must use output namespace' <rid
`input pin must not be defined more than once` <component <ns <name
`output pin must not be defined more than once` <component <ns <name
`must be a valid namespace' <rid
`value must exist' <path <ns <name
`value must not exist' <path <ns <name
`must be a component' <any
`must use connection namespace' <rid
`must use i/o namespace' <rid
# end design rules

This is an expression language - everything returns a value. Statements are processed in sequence and the value is the last statement encountered.

”#” is used to distinguish sections

Long names that include spaces are written `…’ (syntax borrowed from M4).

”<” means input.

”>” means output.

Indentation denotes layering.

”@” means call a foreign function (synchronous call).

Foreign functions are implemented elsewhere in some other language. Akin to imports in some languages.

”[]” means choice (if-then-else or case). The first item after “[” is an expression that produces a value that is cased-on.

“x -> …” means “case x”.

The type DSL is documented elsewhere Type SCN.

Note that design-rules are relegated to lower levels (deeper indentation). Design rules are like error checks and type checks, but specific to the project-at-hand. Using current GPLs, these checks would be wound into the code. It is possible to separate design-rule checks from code in current GPLs, but this is not frequently done.

Note that using an SCN does not make the logic a no-brainer to understand. The goal is simply to unwind architecture-thinking from details-thinking. At present, code maintainers must understand the code they are working on, anyway. This costs time. Splitting the code into DI (Architecture) and Implementation should reduce the effort required to understand a project (but may not save time - understanding still requires thought). Using an SCN enables higher-level thinking for the architect(s) of a project.


Building a project in layers, e.g. using an SCN, enables the stratification of the development process.

An architect can write out a design in DI, an implementation engineer can work out the details, a test engineer can examine the project from a testability perspective, a coder can implement the code, etc., etc.

Software Development Roles

Further discussion of a protoype set of roles and stratification of the software development process.

See Also


  1. most of the SCNs in Arrowgrams were built on top of Common Lisp and the ESRAP (PEG) parsing library and Lisp macros. Arrowgrams was a bootstrap project. Since then, I discovered Ohm-JS and, maybe, would have used it instead of some of the other technologies. This was a chicken-before-the-egg problem: we had to use something to implement the bootstrapped version.