Flipping Code
We show how to flip large chunks of text in a transpiler, using a small change in the code.
Desired Output
We’re working a code markdown to bash converter.
At this point, the input looks like:
# _containment_
## _fb pipeline_
## _details_
### allContains1
load fb
load onSameDiagram
load contain1
### printAllDeepContains
load fb
load onSameDiagram
load contains2
### printAllDirectContains
load fb
load onSameDiagram
load contains3
The lines in the _fb pipeline_
are meant to be bash and the ###
chunks are meant to be bash functions.
Bash requires declaration before use, so, at this stage, we want the fb pipeline
lines to come last.
For example, we want and intermediate result of:
# _containment_
## _details_
### allContains1
load fb
load onSameDiagram
load contain1
### printAllDeepContains
load fb
load onSameDiagram
load contains2
### printAllDirectContains
load fb
load onSameDiagram
load contains3
## _fb pipeline_
This can be done with a minor tweak in the emit code…
Pseudo {
Main = "{" id Commands Details "}"
Commands = "{" id Block+ "}"
Details = "{" id Block+ "}"
Block = "{" id (id | Block)+ "}" -- rec
| id+ -- flat
id = italicid | ident
underscore = "_"
newline = "\n"
spc = " "
notEOL = ~newline any
italicid = underscore ident underscore
ident = firstChar followChar*
firstChar = letter
followChar = alnum | " "
Main [lb id commands details rb] = [[# ${id}\n${commands}\n${details}]]
Commands [lb id @choices rb] = [[# ${id}\n${choices}]]
Details [lb id @choices rb] = [[# ${id}${choices}]]
Block_rec [lb id @b rb] = [[${lb}${id}${b}${rb}]]
Block_flat [@ids] = [[${ids}]]
id [name] = [[${name}\n]]
underscore [c] = [[${c}]]
newline [c] = [[${c}]]
spc [c] = [[${c}]]
notEOL [c] = [[${c}]]
italicid [u1 id u2] = [[${u1}${id}${u2}]]
ident [f @cs] = [[${f}${cs}]]
firstChar [c] = [[${c}]]
followChar [c] = [[${c}]]
The Flip
Change 1 line:
Main [lb id commands details rb] = [[# ${id}\n${commands}\n${details}]]
Main [lb id commands details rb] = [[# ${id}\n${details}\n${commands}]]