
PFR is a command-line find-and-replace utility that uses PEG parsing instead of REGEXP. PFR outputs the resulting (modified input) file to stdout.

PF is a command-line find utility that uses PEG parsing instead of REGEXP (like GREP, except with parsing). PF merely prints the names of the matching files on stdout.


pfr source-filename grammar-filename action-filename [support.js] [t] [v]
pf source-filename grammar-filename

The 3 files contain text.

Source-filename refers to a file which contains arbitrary text which is to-be-parsed.

Grammar-filename refers to a file which contains a grammar specification in Ohm-JS format.

Action-filename refers to a file which contains an action specification in Glue format.

Support.js [optional] contains functions that are used by the action rules (only required if action rules call-out to support functions ; not needed in simple use-cases). Default: support.js is not used and not read.

t [optional] lower-case ‘t’ as the 5th argument turns on rule tracing. Default: tracing disabled.

v [optional] lower-case ‘v’ as the 6th argument turns on display of generated action code. Default: displaying disabled.



PFR and PF are shell scripts (Bash) contained in that directory. Put them on your PATH.


[This section doesn’t belong in the final PFR/PF man page, but the tools are young…]

A workflow that works best for me is:

  1. Use the Ohm-Editor to build and debug the grammar

  2. Write a “vanilla” action spec that simply outputs what is input (“identity”) ; note that if you use syntactic rules instead of lexical rules in the grammar, the output will omit spacing (that’s OK, you just need to be aware of this ; the only way to get a pure identity grammar is to use syntactic rules only (not necessary))

  3. Modify the identity action spec to suit your needs.

Appendix - Ohm-JS Format

See Ohm-JS Syntax.

Appendix - Glue Format

See Glue Manual.

See Glue Overview.

Appendix - Sample Grammars and Actions

ABC Glue (uses the ftranpile() function - a precursor to PFR - with a simple.ohm file and a simple .glue file (action spec))

first class comments (this project was a quickie - one weekend - entry in the language jam ; the current versions of sequence.js and details.js contain the pre-cursor of PFR ; each of these contains references to multiple .ohm files and to multiple .glue files (action specs))

A sample (very simple) grammar specification from ABC Glue:

ABCgrok {
TopLevel = Assignment+

  Assignment =   Variable "=" Expression -- complex
               | Variable "=" number -- simple
  Expression = Variable "+" Variable

    Variable = "a" .. "z"
    number = dig+
    dig = "0" .. "9"

In this example, there are 7 grammar rules

  • TopLevel is one-or-more Assignments
  • Assignment_complex is a Variable, =and an Expression
  • Assignment_simple is a Variable, =and a number
  • A Variable is a single lower case letter, froma through z
  • A number is one-or-more digs
  • A dig is a single character 0 through 9

A sample action specification (aka Glue):

TopLevel [@assignments] = [[${console.log (assignments)}]]
Assignment_complex [v keq e] = [[var ${v} = ${e};\n]]
Assignment_simple [v keq n] = [[var ${v} = ${n};\n]]
Expression [v1 kplus v2] = [[${v1} + ${v2}]]
Variable [c] = [[${c}]]
number [@digits] = [[${digits}]]
dig [c] = [[${c}]]

One Action rule for each grammar rule.

The Action rules must have the same name as the grammar rules.

Each rule creates and returns one string (the string might be empty).

  • TopLevel accepts an iterator node called assignments, then calls console.log() to print out the assignments.
  • Assignment_complex takes three parameters v, keqand e which represent the sub-matches in the Assignment_complex grammar rule, then returns the string var ${v} = ${e}; followed by a newline ; ${v} is expanded to be the text of the var parameter, ${e} is expanded to be the text of the e parameter, the parameter called keq is ignored)
  • Assignment_simple takes three parameters v, keqand n and returns the string var ${v} = ${n} followed by a newline, the parameter keq is ignored
  • Variable takes three parameters v1, kplus and v2 and returns a plus statement (ignoring the parameter kplus)
  • number takes an iteration node containing all of the digs and returns a string containing the digits (the iteration node is collapsed automatically to make a single string)
  • dig takes one parameter c and returns a string of length 1 containing the character.


These commands should deal with stdin, stdout and stderr in the usual UNIX® style. Instead, these commands currently require filenames on the command line.

See Also

Ohm-JS Syntax.

Glue Manual.

Glue Overview.

Table of Contents