
  1. PEG is a game-changing technology
  2. parsing ≣ pattern-matching
  3. PEG creates parsers, YACC describes languages from first principles
  4. PEG paper by Bryan Ford


  1. Game changing technology
    • allows bowls of syntax approach1, instead of many-years-for-one-language approach
    • PEG, esp. Ohm-JS, allows jail-break from some of the mid-1900s assumptions
  1. parsing is pattern-matching
    • no magic, parsers are just big pattern-matching programs2
    • PEG is a DSL for pattern-matching
    • REGEX is a DSL for pattern-matching
    • PEG is better than REGEX, because PEG allows subroutines
    • parsing technology is geared towards parsing text, due to biases and limitations in mid-1900s machines, but, machines have changed
  1. Parsers vs. language first principles
    • subtle difference
    • PEG is a DSL for creating TDPL parsers
    • Language theory ≣ principles of (restricted) language design, can be used to generate parsers, but languages that are parsed are restricted by the theoretical model
      • model doesn’t always reflect reality, but, only what can be conveniently modeled3
    • PEG allows matching balanced parens, YACC/language-theory/etc. cannot match balanced parens
  1. PEG paper by B. Ford
    • shows that squishy concepts for top-down parsing4 can be theorized and used to build UXs for programmers
    • paper basically shows how to build backtracking for text without using PROLOG
    • uses memoization to avoid re-parsing already-parsed bits

Notes & Rambling

  1. Game changing technology
    • allows bowls of syntax approach, instead of many-years-for-one-language approach
    • PEG uses backtracking, which used to be verbotten in the mid-1900s
    • PEG is like PROLOG aimed for backtracking over text characters
    • Kleene * and Kleene + were invented long ago, but not thought to be useful for parsing due to concerns for efficiency ; current computers are magnitudes better than in the mid-1900s -> time to reevaluate basic assumptions, esp. concerns for efficiency
    • PEG allows matching balanced parens, YACC/language-theory/etc. cannot match balanced parens
    • PEG is akin to: automobile vs. walking - changes basic assumptions about what is possible
  2. a Parser is just a program, an app
    • REGEX is a simplified form of pattern-matching
    • PEG is a DSL meant specifically for pattern-matching sequences of characters
    • PEG is better than REGEX because PEG allows subroutines
    • PEG is worse than REGEX because PEG specs are usually larger than REGEX specs
    • REGEX syntax is write-only, PEG syntax is more readable (IMO)
    • PEG is like modernized BNF
  3. Compiling
      1. pattern-match input file
      1. make a bunch of tables
      1. check input against tables
      1. emit code (assembler or other language)
    • typical approach
      • pattern-matcher creates a tree
      • tree-walk the tree to fire “semantic” routines
    • better approach
      • taught at UofT, etc. (Queen’s?)
      • syntax-directed compiling
      • build “many” trees, as pipelined, serialized-streams of characters
        • use many parsers to expand & unserialize intermediate trees
        • helps stop tangling of issues and Accidental Complexity
          • unwinds dependencies
          • each step / phase is independent and can be programmed in situ
            • without worrying about causing side-effects in other phases
        • allows compiler-writer to concentrate on one thing at a time
        • similar to pattern-matching in FP languages
          • allow pattern-matching engine to fire functions based on history / sequencing
            • eschew ad-hoc coding of sequence-tracking
          • FP pattern-matching cases on type (and dynamic data?)
          • parsing cases on dynamic data (and dynamic type)
          • OO cases on type
          • PROLOG allows programmer to define “types” in layers (“rules”), then backtracks and performs exhaustive search
          • PEG allows programmer to define layers (“rules”) then backtracks
          • miniKanren performs exhaustive match, like PROLOG, without backtracking
          • (backtracking is an attempt at memory optimization - reuse memory by GC’ing it, then trying again, miniKanren doesn’t care, it just keeps every possibility on deck as it works)
            • PROLOG algorithm explained in Scheme by Nils Holm
          • backtracking ≣ inferencing
          • inferencing ≣ exhaustive search
          • has anyone tried to re-cast PEG in miniKanren?
  4. beauty of Lisp and Assembler
    • prefix notation
    • very regular -> automatable
      • machines can do the work instead of humans
      • frees up human thinking to consider higher level concepts
    • leads to observation that operators are orthogonal to operands (Cordy’s Orthogonal Code Generator)
      • GCC’s RTL is a special case of this observation (in RTL all operands are registers until the final step)
    • in Lisp, everything is an expression, no special syntax for return -> regularity (normalization)
    • Lambda Calculus is discovering normalization
    • Sector Lisp (Tunney) is a fine example of the beauty of the FP paradigm
      • my conclusion: bloatware comes from forcing a paradigm to be something it wasn’t designed for
      • e.g. FP vs. mutability
        • Tunney’s GC is 40 bytes[sic] becase it is pure FP
          • no special cases
          • very few (2) data types - Atoms and Lists
    • Lisp was schizophrenic
      • Lisp tried to serve 2 masters at once
        1. Design
        2. Production Engineering
      • Production Engineering “won out” and warped Lisp (-> Common Lisp, Scheme)
      • REPL is a “natural” outcome of Design-oriented thinking (see Bret Victor, Live Programming - which are REPLs for non-text-based programming)
      • dynamic languages are better for Design, static languages are better for Production Engineering
        • using static languages for Design, inhibits Design
      • Lispworks debugger is better (IMO) than VSCode
        • Lispworks has more experience
        • dynamic languages -> less trouble to build debuggers than with static languages
  5. IMO - data should be OO objects, and, orthogonally, control flow should be syntax
    - flags, state, etc. are not inherently bad
    - unrestricted use of flags is bad, just like unrestricted use of Global Variables is bad
    - wrap syntax skins around hoary contructs and never allow users to access them directly
    - Lambda Calculus wraps data items dynamically (on the stack), and, now syntax can wrap stuff that LC is not designed for (using PEG)
    - FP teaches that variable names are inconsequential
    - in fact, variables are not variable
    - parsing teaches that syntax is equally inconsequential
  6. Parser DSL
    • theory is for theoreticians
      • leads to better languages, but slowly
    • DSL is UX
      • theoreticians tend to “ignore” UX and don’t care if they mangle languages for the sake of correctness
      • IMO, the ideal is theory -> lint-like tools that preen programmer code, not warp the languages that programmers are allowed to use
      • theory -> helps Production Engineers, hinders Designers
        • self-editing is “bad”
        • implementation details obfuscate Design
        • implementation details inhibit Design and destroy Design “flow” (“in the zone”)
        • biggest advances in CompSci come from eliding and deferring details, e.g. OO, GC, Scoping, Structured Programming, etc.
    • i.e. PEG is for programmers, language theory is for theorists
      • the two don’t mix and cannot be combined into a single language
      • PEG allows rapid syntax creation -> one language for programmers, another language for theorists, same bag of paradigms with different syntactic sugar
  7. PEG paper by B. Ford -> shows that squishy concepts for parsing can be theorized and used to build UXs for programmers
    - paper basically shows how to build backtracking for text without using PROLOG
    - uses memoization to avoid re-parsing already-parsed bits
    - concerns for efficiency are misplaced
    - based on assumption that programs will grow “big”
    - if you keep programs “small”, then efficiency “doesn’t matter”
    - IMO: the goal shoud be to keep programs small instead of appeasing bigness
    - I built a PEG without packrat and it worked fine, since, using the new DSL, programs never became big
    - conclusion: when programs become big enough for efficiency to matter, switch notations (create and use a different language)
  8. PREP
    • I built a tool using PEG and REGEX that allows me to write pipelined one-liners (in bash modulo accompanying grammar and reformat specs)
    • use it to build variants of itself (feed prep pipelines with prep preprocessors) -> syntax directed transpiling
    • parse diagrams
    • parse .md as a programming language
      • architectural / Design language
  9. See Also
    • Rosie
      • I haven’t explored this, but it looks to be in a similar vein (parsing as a tool)
    • Ohm-JS
      • currently, my favourite variant of PEG
      • a DSL for pattern-matching based on PEG principles
      • skips whitespace
        • avoids sullying the grammar with details
      • sends CST (concrete syntax tree - output of parser) to JS for further processing (tree-walking)
      • every match is captured (i.e. normalization, no options == good for automation, anti-bloatware)
      • Ohm-JS examples:
        • T.B.D.
        • working on book of idioms
        • working on explaining raw markdown parser
        • WASM from arith P.O.C.
        • link to Obsidian raw material … (will be free)
        • prep
        • Diagrams as Syntax to Python

9 Other

  • replace use of REGEX with use of PEG
    - use REGEX for small snippets of pattern-matching
    - use PEG for anything more interesting, esp. structured text (multiline, recursive)
  • Programming Languages are IDEs
    - PLs are IDEs for programming (goal === control a machine)
    - PL’s based on biases of mid-1900s, e.g. text, concerns for efficiency
    - PEG, esp. Ohm-JS, allows jail-break from some of these mid-1900s assumptions
    - IMO ideal IDE for programming ->
    - choice of notations, text, diagram, hybrid, etc.
    - choice of design rules
    - more specific than type checking
    - tuned to specific project, not generalized
    - PEG allows specializing syntax per project
    - PEG allows many syntaxes for a single project
    - for those who don’t want to invent syntaxes -> cookbook
  • gaming
    • early games used to be quite econimical
    • bloated now?
    • where did the simplicity go?
      • “it is complicated” is a hand-waving argument, not science
  • compiling
    • compiling is akin to sorting Red Smarties into one pile
    • if you can move all operations (of a certain kind) to one pile, then you can pre-operate and save runtime later
    • amortize cost of operations - waste CPU during compile, save CPU later
    • compiling is AKA Production Engineering
      • Software Engineering is more than just Production Engineering


I was going for 80% truth and edited out all qualifications for succinctness.

See Also

Table of Contents as of Dec. 01 2021

  1. Bowls of syntax is known as macros to Lispers, but, Lisp macros deal only with lists, not characters. C macros are much more limited and shouldn’t be conflated with the Lisp concept. 

  2. Parsers are, hopefully, less ad-hoc than hand-written pattern-matching code. 

  3. Notation Worship. Ironically, sometimes the (insufficient) model is assumed to define reality, and the rest of reality is simply ignored. 

  4. TDPL ≣ Top-Down Parsing Language