• what if our concept of evolution is exactly backwards?
    • the most primitive entities are ad-hoc combinations of capabilities, requiring sexual reproduction
    • more refined entities have fewer, but more specific capabilities, and, require only asexual reproduction
      • bacteria exhibit “quorum sensing” https://www.ted.com/talks/bonnie_bassler_how_bacteria_talk?language=en
  • why were animals so much bigger in the past?
    • was there less gravity holding their growth back?
  • why are ancient things buried in the ground?
    • where does the extra dirt (covering material) come from?
    • if there is conservation of dirt, some artefacts would be deeply buried, while other artefacts would be uncovered and just lying on the surface of the ground
  • are we just a kind of A.I. that overtook its creating race?

See Also



obsidian blogs (see blogs that begin with a date 202x-xx-xx-)


videos - programming simplicity playlist


leanpub’ed (disclaimer: leanpub encourages publishing books before they are finalized - these books are WIPs)
Programming Simplicity Takeaways, and, Programming Simplicity Broad Brush


Programming Simplicity all welcome, I invite more discussion of these topics, esp. regarding Drawware and 0D




(tbd, advice needed re. most appropriate server(s))