I’m straddling three worlds.

1) I use a Mac for day-to-day stuff (calendars, reminders, email, etc.) and for writing. Blogs, books. I used to write songs, too, but not so much now. For that kind of stuff, MacOSX is better than anything else I’ve encountered.

2) I’m a hard-core software dev. MacOS and Windows are horrible for DX. Linux is passable, but extremely painful. I’ve been using emacs for some 40 years and find out something new about it just about every day (what’s wrong with that picture? :-). I tried paying for Parallels, but, they don’t care about Linux users. MacOSX’s inability to use a focus-follows-mouse strategy is maddening. It is especially maddening in light of MacOSX’s schizophrenia. On MacOSX, scrolling follows mouse, but, focus doesn’t follow mouse.

3) I’m a Boomer and I’m aging. I’ve discovered that anything that requires memorization is a bad idea. I’ve accumulated 100’s of passwords and logins over the years. I started writing stuff down on pieces of paper (!!!), but, misplaced them. MacOS is attempting to alleviate this problem, but, leaves a lot to be desired. I created 100’s of password and logins long before Keychain came into my life. The battle between MacOS and Android is making my life even harder. Android is a mess - too many details, too many options, inconsistent. I gave up on my Android tablets and Android phone and am using Apple exclusively. If you pay extra, you get software that borders on usable. If you scrimp, you get hardware and a bag of options.

My mother is 98 and plays Tetris on her Windows laptop daily. She doesn’t need a $1,000.00 laptop, she only needs a $7.99 Tetris hand-held. And, she browses and checks email - but, her T.V. should do all that. She has a laughtop with a touch-screen. She uses the first knuckle of her index finger to scroll. Maybe she just needs an XBOX with an arthritis-savvy controller, or, an eye-tracker, or, a couple of touch pads made for clumsy interaction (knuckles), or, …

Appendix - See Also





obsidian blogs (see blogs that begin with a date 202x-xx-xx-)


videos - programming simplicity playlist


leanpub’ed (disclaimer: leanpub encourages publishing books before they are finalized - these books are WIPs)
Programming Simplicity Takeaways, and, Programming Simplicity Broad Brush


Programming Simplicity all welcome, I invite more discussion of these topics, esp. regarding Drawware and 0D




(tbd, advice needed re. most appropriate server(s))