0d examples
arith grammar emitting 4 target languages: JS, Python, CL, WASM
Delay, using long-running processes, and an example of debugging
- The idea of “long-running” computations is hard-wired into the mindset of existing languages (loop, for, recursion, …). If you can break that mindset, new ideas emerge. This example shows that you can re-use existing code done in the “old mindset” if you simply want an MVI (Minimum Viable Implementation - skimping on efficiency instead of skimping on product ideas)
- The single stack backtrace mindset no longer fits the needs of “debugging”. Essentially you need a tree of backtraces. This example shows how to use “probes” to debug quickly without using any backtraces at all.
[trivial Hello World in 0D, in series and in parallel](https://github.com/guitarvydas/helloworld0d](https://github.com/guitarvydas/helloworld0d)
Examples that need to be upgraded or finished: (requests accepted, (help accepted, too))
see README.md in https://github.com/guitarvydas/0D for actual links
- ASON Atoms
- SRW - Stream ReWriter
- Create a Prolog library for Javascript, from a Scheme program
- Markdown as a Programming Language
- PT Pascal Compiler 2024
- Ceptre Dungeon Crawler
- Kinopio to Markdown
- Gen0D - program code generator for 0D components (branch “dev”) https://github.com/guitarvydas/gen0d/tree/dev
re. markdown as a programming language
find-and-replace screenshot: (needs to upgraded to newer version of technology)
Appendix - See Also
obsidian blogs (see blogs that begin with a date 202x-xx-xx-)
videos - programming simplicity playlist
Books (WIP)
Programming Simplicity all welcome, I invite more discussion of these topics, esp. regarding Drawware and 0D